The weather here has been cloudy and rainy. It has reminded me of my
time in Eastern Europe. When I lived in Poland the fall was not
always bright and sunny, most of the time it was dark and dreary.
Even in Germany the cloud would descend and stay for most of the
winter. The coldness and the need to bundle up bring back memories.
I don't know why it is hitting more this year then last. Maybe it is
because with my new job I am not stuck in an office all day and I get
to see the light of day (such as it is). Who knows. But right now I
am in a Polish state of mind.
Split Loyalty
I am sitting at Browns Stadium wearing orange. Usually this would be acceptable to me but the Browns are playing Detroit. I feel like a horrible. I want to root for the Lions, but it wouldn’t be a good idea.
A Night Alone
I never realized just how much MDB's presence comforts me at night.
MDB went to the 35th birthday party of an old high school friend who
now lives in Lancaster, OH, so I was left alone. I didn't mind. I
hope that he had a lot of fun, but it was eerie being in the house all
alone. The door bell rang at around 9:30 pm, but I didn't answer it.
Now I am not sure if it was my door or someone else in the
neighborhood since we have a radio controlled one and it seems that
someone else nearby may also be on the same frequency. Nevertheless I
was a bit spooked and since I was just in my bathrobe, I WAS NOT GOING
NEAR THAT DOOR!! Other then the door bell incident the evening was
uneventful. I purchased a long wool coat in preparation for a winter
on the car lot and tried with all my might to find a nice red sweater
to match a skirt that I purchased. Other then that it was quite.
Tonight we will be going to Kent to wish a VH a Happy B-Day!! Maybe I
can sell a car today as well.
Listening today to NPR I heard a discussion about Harriet Miers. They
also have a story on the internet entitled "Survey: Miers Supported
Banning Most Abortions." This survey shows her true colors when it
comes to issues concern women.
It is not like this would be unexpected from the Bush administration,
but come on… you could have packaged it in a different way. You could
have nominated a person who had some credentials that would have made
it hard for Liberals to say anything against her nomination, but no.
Bush nominates someone who has not time on the bench and reeks of
A note for Females, save your money ladies, you many need to go to
Canada if you get into trouble. It is only a matter of time before
they take our rights away.
A Fall Color Tour
After getting up this morning to the sound of the Brennan men working in the garage to make way for 1/3 of a cord of wood, I took a shower and joined in the fun. The night before MDB and I went on a 20-mile bike ride on the Ohio & Erie Canal Tow Path that is located in the Cuyahoga Valley National Recreation Area. This was a night ride and it was wonderful. We started out in Peninsula, OH and made our way north. The night was brisk and the company was wonderful. We were not alone, Century Cycles located in Peninsula sponsored this night ride and that is were all of us met. After the ride we went to the Winking Lizard and had what had to be some of the worst service that I have ever gotten at the Winking Lizard. I know that I am sometimes oversensitive to service, but I worked at the Lizard in Cleveland Heights for a few months and I know what their standards are.After we did some work around the house on Sunday, we went for a color tour through northeastern Ohio. We started by going to 422 and heading east. We ended up in Amish country where we took this photo at Wal-Mart.
Then we made our way east to Bloomfield where we took this photo…
My question is this… is the township keeping track of the relatives of Mr. Brown’s decedents? They may try and claim the property in 1000 years!
On to Gustavus Township where we found this note from a disgruntled resident:
Not only is the person a freak, but he is also a low life and scum… please make up your mind. Off to the big city of Warren where they have a monument to Neil Armstrong.
It is called the First Flight Lunar Module. They have this little monument in the parking lot of a Big K next to the McDonalds. I couldn’t believe it until MDB and I stopped and took a closer look.
On our way out of Warren we saw a shop that needed to have its picture taken:
It really doesn’t take that much to entertain me, but this was funny. From here we went home since it was getting dark and the browns lost miserably to the Ravens. The only benefit…Pittsburgh lost!
Buffett Song of the Day: “Growing Older But Not Up”
My Baby
I have not discussed my new car on this blog yet (even thought MDB went into great detail about the transaction). I love my car. She is pretty and red. It is dangerous that I work at a place where I can purchase accessories for my car without leaving the building. I have been told that I am really a
Mini customer that stepped up to a
BMW. Now please do not get the wrong idea… I am not going to pimp out my car. I will however change some things to make it look nice. The first thing that I am going to do is put chrome tips on the exhaust pipe. Then I will consider changing the taillights. I don’t like the way that they currently look. In addition, since the car is red, I am even considering putting a
K40 radar detector and diffuser on the car, however that will have to wait until summer. Pictures of my baby will be following soon.
Buffett song of the day “
We Are the People our Parents Warned us About”
Another One Bites the Dust
Today started out with one less co-worker. One quit today. I am not
sure how I should feel about this. We did not get along. I didn't
feel that I could trust him. He changed the mood of our office when
he was here. We really noticed this when he was gone this weekend.
In some ways I am sorry to see him go.
Hello from Browns Stadium!
Fall is Here!
I think that they are trying to freeze us out of the office. It is even cold in the show room as well. I really need to invest in some sweaters and some boots. I shall learn from this experience.
I have really gotten hooked on listening to Pod casts. I love to listen to them on the way to and from work. Lately I have been listening to a pod cast out of Dallas. It is called "This and That with Jeff and Pat." I love it. They are two engineers that are friends. I have not been able to figure out their relationship other then that. They discuss nerdy stuff, along with food, music and movies. It is light…the perfect thing for the morning drive in.
I must admit this has taken me away from my habit listening to NPR on my daily commute. I am sort of saddened by this. I feel that I have become more insular in the news sources that I take in each day. I just can not stop listening to pod casts. It is amazing the range of stuff that is out there. These pod casts run the spectrum from religious, to political, to pod casts that are sexual in nature. I just can't stop myself. They are just so much fun. You also get to learn about different places. I listen to a pod cast from Israel which is done by 2 Americans who immigrated to Israel . They discuss the differences in there and here. I can really understand that. I wish that I had the opportunity to do something like that when I was in Poland. I think that would have been fun and that my family would have enjoyed it.
A Whole New World
As of the middle of this month I will truly be joining the sales world. I will be going off salary and going on straight commission. This scares me to the core. It has been really slow here and I am scared that I will not be able to make it.
I think that the gloom of the day may also be adding to my mood of general gloom. I wonder what the future will bring. I am not even really excited by my car, since things seem so uncertain.
Buffett song of the day: "It's My Job "
Waiting for Something to Happen
Another day and didn't make a dollar. I hear that fall and winter are slow in the car biz. Well if today is any indication, then they were right. Nothing good on the news.
The US Supreme Court nominee seems to lack anything extraordinary. What was bush thinking…oh wait he wasn't.
Buffett song of the day: " Distantly In Love"
We had our thank you party to those who helped us move into our new house. It started off simple enough… People just standing around and enjoying each other’s company.
Enjoying the Bar…
Enjoying my Polish Vodka…Vicki came up from Kent!!
I tended bar…then the wheels came off…
And as with every good party everyone ended up in a pile on the floor!
I can’t wait to have everyone over!!
How Disgraceful!!
In the car today I was informed by MDB that the hero of my childhood had been fired from the Tigers.
Allen Trammel was relieved from his position as manager of the Detroit Tigers. I am saddened. What happened to loyalty? The Tiger were improving. I question this move. Dombrowski’s lack of response to reporters seems a bit snippy.
According to the Detroit Free Press “Detroit lost an AL-record 119 games in Trammell’s first season as manager, then improved to 72-90 last year, the biggest turnaround in the AL since Baltimore’s 33-game improvement from 1988 to 1989.” It takes time to rebuild a team that has been in the dumps since the early 90’s.
It may be a sense of nostalgia, but remembering Trammel, Kirk Gibson, and Lou Whitaker playing created some of the happiest memories of my childhood. The first baseball game that I saw in person was in
Tiger Stadium (which has been replaced by the sacrilege known as Comerica Park). People are so quick to throw away history and people. The firing of Allen Trammel is just the latest example of Tigers lack or respect of history. I am truly saddened.
Jimmy Buffet song of the day: “
Sending the Old Man Home”
Go Tribe
Here we are at the Jake! This is the view from our seats. Now we have 2 root for NY.
Party on Washington Blvd
Tonight we are having our first party at our new house. I have not been able to help with the prep since I have to work Saturdays! The house looks great! I must thank MDB for all his hard work. But then again this was his idea!
Buffett Song of the Day: "
Where's the Party?"
A Blast from the Past
Today was slow at the Dealership. Not that much traffic today. So I tried to catch up on my web leads and to get some paperwork done. Then I checked my personal e-mail. Guess what I found...A note from the girl that was my best friend in my home town during high school. It was strange. She had tracked me down and sent me a message via one of those sites like
classmates.com. So I called her up. We talked. It was nice to get back in touch. I had missed her, but had chalked it up to people go their separate ways. Funny how things work!
Buffett Song of the Day: "
If The Phone Doesn't Ring Its Me"