Thoughts From a Wandering Soul, Now in the Charm City

Saturday, October 08, 2005

Fall is Here!

I think that they are trying to freeze us out of the office.  It is even cold in the show room as well.  I really need to invest in some sweaters and some boots.  I shall learn from this experience.


I have really gotten hooked on listening to Pod casts.  I love to listen to them on the way to and from work.   Lately I have been listening to a pod cast out of Dallas.  It is called "This and That with Jeff and Pat."  I love it.  They are two engineers that are friends.   I have not been able to figure out their relationship other then that.  They discuss nerdy stuff, along with food, music and movies.   It is light…the perfect thing for the morning drive in.


I must admit this has taken me away from my habit listening to NPR on my daily commute.  I am sort of saddened by this.   I feel that I have become more insular in the news sources that I take in each day.  I just can not stop listening to pod casts.   It is amazing the range of stuff that is out there.  These pod casts run the spectrum from religious, to political, to pod casts that are sexual in nature.   I just can't stop myself.  They are just so much fun.  You also get to learn about different places.  I listen to a pod cast from Israel which is done by 2 Americans who immigrated to Israel .  They discuss the differences in there and here.  I can really understand that.   I wish that I had the opportunity to do something like that when I was in Poland.  I think that would have been fun and that my family would have enjoyed it.  

1 comment(s):

Ok, watch how you talk about engineers and nerdy in back to back sentences. I know it's so easy to group those two words together, but that isn't always true :) I do have to admit though, sometimes the conversation can get nerdy in the engineering realm, so never mind.

By Blogger melcarrel, at October 12, 2005 12:08 PM  

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