The weather here has been cloudy and rainy. It has reminded me of my
time in Eastern Europe. When I lived in Poland the fall was not
always bright and sunny, most of the time it was dark and dreary.
Even in Germany the cloud would descend and stay for most of the
winter. The coldness and the need to bundle up bring back memories.
I don't know why it is hitting more this year then last. Maybe it is
because with my new job I am not stuck in an office all day and I get
to see the light of day (such as it is). Who knows. But right now I
am in a Polish state of mind.
3 comment(s):
I am hoping that your thoughts of Poland and Germany warm your heart and mind despite the actual cold, rainy mess that is outside. If that is the case, then you are very fortunate. I know I get very bogged down on the weather especially in the "rainy" season in the fall and spring. And yes, I know it's "rainy season" in october in northeast ohio, I was in marching band! It always rains at least 2 weeks straight in October in ohio. Stay warm and cozy! :)
By melcarrel, at October 31, 2005 1:09 PM
Well, you have that new warm coat (and MDB :-) -- but you need light, understandably. Then there's my newly redecorated office with its overly done flourescent lighting. ARGH. Hope the weather brightens for you.
By Kate Anne, at November 16, 2005 10:00 PM
It's almost a month and nothing new? Get with the program you.
By Mr. Bebout, at November 24, 2005 3:12 AM
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