2 More Days!!!!!!
We only have 2 more days until we graduate. The time now is spent clean and getting all of the administrative stuff taken care of. I can’t wait to get to a civilized place. Lawton, OK is a bit backwoods for me. There are 2 Wal-Marts but no Target. Not even an Olive Garden, not like it is fine dining, but it is better than I-Hop! I have to travel at least an hour to get to a decent shopping place.
I got a little excited this weekend about the wedding. I purchased the shoes that I will be wearing for the reception (I am going barefoot for the ceremony). I went to David’s Bridal for the shoes. I was a little sad that I didn’t have the experience of shopping for my dress like the brides that were at the store, but I am not a nutty bride either. They all seemed so obsessed with the wedding planning. It is like the world has stopped and they are completely focused on their wedding. The store also helped to perpetuate this feeling (it is their job). When I was there I was looking at the veils, a saleswoman came up to me. (With only one week out I am still undecided about wearing one. They are ridiculously expensive and I am getting married on a beach and I don’t know if I need one.) She asks the preliminary questions (sort of similar to what I used to ask when I worked in car sales). Then she asks about my dress and immediately says that I should get a veil (like you would expect them to say any different). I have a hard time paying close to $100 for something that I could make on my own if I had a day to spare. I left without the veil. I got the shoes (they dyed them for me right then and there) and left for my hour and a half trip back to Lawton, OK.
Labels: Bridezilla, Oklahoma, Wedding
Memories of Michigan
I was killing some time in the day room (the common room in a Army Barracks where the TV is located) and ran into a fellow Michigander (a person from Michigan there is some debate as to weather it is Michigander or Michigianina). We were reminiscing about things that are uniquely Michigan. There is an entire genera of “
You Might be from Michigan If “ jokes. There are also the unique Michigan traffic laws. For instance in Michigan when you are at a left turn signal you can tern left on a blinking red. And then there is the “
Michigan Left.” Then there is the things that can only happen in Michigan.
On I-75 in Michigan exit 69 is the exit for Big Beaver Road. Also there are the entertaining city names of Colon, Climax, and Hell, Michigan. Oh how I miss that winter wonder land. Yes! Michigan the Feeling is Forever.
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Labels: BigBeaver Road, Michigan, Michigan Left
My Feet
In my previous post I mentioned that I had a ten mile ruck march this morning. To go along with that, my heals are on fire and I have matching blisters on both of my pinky toes. Since I didn’t bring my Birkenstocks to OK I am wearing my
Naot sandals instead.

They are really cool! I have them with the silver leather with mint leather base. They are comfortable. It is a bit cold for them here, but I am having a hard time walking in regular shoes. I am glad that I will not have to another march for some time. Next time I will work my way up to it. I plan on purchasing my own ruck to start rucking on the weekends. I hear in Korea that we will have to do a 12 mile ruck march each year. Good times!
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Labels: Feet, Naot, Ruck March
I am happy to state here that I have completed all of the requirements for BOLC2. Today I woke up at 0015 for a ten-mile ruck march! This was the last requirement for graduation. We spent the entire first part of the week in the FOB (Forward Operations Base) putting into practice the stuff that we have been learning throughout the course. I am happy to be done. Now we just have out-processing and weapons cleaning left. I should be on the road on Wed. I can’t believe it is only 8 days until my wedding. I am now allowing myself to get excited about it.
There is much traveling to be done between now and then. I have to drive to Augusta, GA and catch a flight to Tampa. That is no small feat. It is over 1500 miles from Ft. Sill to Augusta. Ugh.
I had a wonderful weekend in NJ meeting CR’s family. CR’s brother and sister in-law have 4 children. They are wonderful children. They will look so cute in the wedding. I got to see more of New Jersey than just the airport (which is the only part that I have seen before). It is really beautiful. The landscape is rugged and varied. I think that it is a place that I wouldn’t mind settling down.
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Labels: BOLC2, NJ, Wedding
get on the flight and take my seat. Toward the end of the seating a gentleman boards the plane (I am using the term gentleman loosely here). He has a brief case and a bag with presents in it (not large could have fit underneath the seat in front of him. The Flight attendant was doing her checks and getting ready for the flight to move away from the gate. He turns to her (after not looking at all for a place to put his stuff) and says “you are a stewardess aren’t you, find a place for this stuff”. My head shot up with the phrase Stewardess, that is no longer politically correct, it is demeaning like the word actress (meaning that they are not as good as a male who is an actor). She took the package from him and asked if there was anything breakable in it, he said yes and then stated that it was just some hats and gloves that were wrapped. She said that she would find a place for it, but did not take the package immediately because she was in the middle of taking care of another issue. He seemed a little miffed that she did not drop everything for him. EH placed the package in the middle of the aisle for her to pick it up. She came back and picked up the package. She placed the package at the back of the plane and proceeded on with her work, as she passed is reminded her to tell him not to forget the package. To her credit she was completely congenial.
When beverage service came around he was extremely demanding. He wanted tea (the plane is a small commuter jet and does not have hot water. Then he requested a Bloody Mary (they did not have Bloody Mary mix on the plane). He settled for some tomato juice. Later during the flight, he lost the cap to his bottle and it landed near my feet, I was half awake, I noticed that he looked at me like I was to pick it up for him (and had he been nicer to her I would have). He fumbled for it and got it. At the end of the flight he asked me and the other women in the back of the plane to get his package for him. He didn’t even say please. To their credit, none of the other women lifted a finger. He was miffed and stomped to the back of the plan and then preceded to crowd the girl in front of him. She was getting her baggage from the overhead compartment. This guy was a real prick. He needs a little jolt of reality. I was really pissed off. As I disembarked the plane, I smiled at the Flight attendant and said that she had extreme patience and said to have a nice day. She laughed.
This is just a small example of what I am sure that she has to deal with everyday. It is not as bad as in our mothers day, but it should not even be this way. I am expected to carry my own weight as a Soldier (gender neutral term). This guy really needs to get hit up side the head with some reality. Maybe it will be when his female boss downsizes him!
Labels: Flight Attendent, Male Chauvinist Pig, Newark, Sexism
More Fun in the Field
We just completed week 2 in the field. It was good training (as they like to say when something is stupid, but you are still doing it be cause you are in a military school (TRADOC: Training and Doctrine)). I did learn a lot, but it could have been condensed in to three days instead of making us stay out there for five. As field exercises go, this is the most luxurious one that I have ever been on. Hey, if I can get a shower every night, then I will do almost anything. I don’t like being sweaty with no hope of cleaning off the funk from the field for three days. We only have next week left and then I will be done with BOLC 2! One school down, one more to go, However, I found out that I am squad leader for next week, so it will not be stress free!
Even with being told that I will be squad leader all next week, I am allowing myself to get excited about my wedding. I picked up my dress from its second alteration (I lost more weight so I had to have it taken in even more!!!). I am taking it with me to NJ so that CR can take it to a cleaners in Tampa to be cleaned and pressed for the big day. It is coming up so quickly. Only sixteen more days left! Funny how life creeps up on you, I have been so busy with school that I have not let myself get excited about the wedding. Now I look forward to the beach and having my friends around me. It will be a good time. There are still some last minute items to take care of (like the music selection) but I am sure that Buffett will be a staple of the evening.
The Weather is Here, Wish You Were Beautiful
Play ball!! (one, two, three, four)
Wheres my per diem? (ladies and gentlemen, the carl reiner band)
Hey bobby, wheres the keys to the rent-a-car?
Jimmy, jimmy, can I open the show in Atlanta please?
Warning! don’t ever start a band!
He worked hard all year, just wanted a few weeks alone
But his old ladys into modelin, she can’t get away from a phone
Besides she bitches about the mosquitoes
She says, down there is nothing to do
Her goddamn phone never stops ringin
He’ll try the service in a day maybe two
Well he’s on his third drink before the wheels of the plane leave the ground
Making points with the stewardess high over long island sound
She’s also spending some time on the island
Too much city madness gives her the blues
They make a date to go dancin and dinin
It seems neither has that much to lose
The weather is here I wish you were beautiful
My thoughts aren’t too clear but don’t run away
My girlfriends a bore, my job is too dutiful
Hell nobody’s perfect would you like to play?
I feel together today
Well now that’s just the start of a well-deserved overdue binge
Meanwhile back in the city certain people are starting to cringe
His lawyers are calling his parents
His girlfriend doesn’t know what to think
His partners are studying their options
He’s just singin and orderin drinks
The weather is here I wish you were beautiful
The skies are too clear life’s so easy today
The beer is too cold, the daiquiris too fruitiful
No place like home when you’re this far away
I don’t care what they say (I don’t care)
Hes goin back to New York pack it up and let everyone know
It was something that he should have done such a long time ago
Still time to start a new life in the palm trees
Ah, Billy Clyde wasn’t insane
And if it doesn’t work out there’ll never be any doubt
That the pleasure was worth all the pain
The weather is here I wish you were beautiful
The skies are too clear lifes so easy today
The beer is too cold, the daiquiris too fruitiful
No place like home when you’re this far away
Time for to play
I need time for to play
Time for to play
I need time for to play
I need time for to play
I need time for to play
I need time for to play
I need time for to play
I need time for to play
-- Jimmy Buffett
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Labels: Army, BOLCII, Wedding
Leaving on a Jet Plane

I left this morning bright and early from Lawton, OK to make a 6:10 flight out of Wichita, KS to Newark, NJ. Currently I am sitting at Chicago O’Hare waiting for my connecting flight. I am a little miffed that the airport in Kansas had free WiFi, but Chicago makes you pay for it. Since this is the case, I decided to use my air-card. It is not as fast as the WiFi, but I already pay for it. The temperature here is 32 degrees. Yesterday at Ft. Sill it was in the high 70’s. I now realize how much I dislike the cold. There was a reason that I moved to FL.
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Another Week in the Field
This week in the field was not as bad as in OCS. We stayed at a Forward Operating Base (FOB). They try to simulate what it would be like in Iraq. This is totally different from any other training experience I have ever had. There were showers!! I was excited. A lot of stuff was different, but I will not get into that.
Being away for a week is good sometimes. I got to clear my head and learn a lot of things. I am excited to be a leader. I am looking forward to leading troops and taking care of them. I am getting a better understanding of what it means to be an officer.
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