Thoughts From a Wandering Soul, Now in the Charm City

Saturday, February 25, 2006

The Pink Vote

This kick for alternative lifestyles stories in the European press gives me a lot of fun stuff to read.  First the discussion of gay penguins now they are talking about the Gayest Oscars ever.   The Guardian published an article today called the " The pink vote".  This article discussed taking the homosexual cultural movement to the red states with movies like " Broke Back Mountain".  They contrast this with the fact that they believe that the movie " Walk the Line" will walk away with the statue..  They say that this will in fact be a victory for the red states.   Let the culture war begin!

Friday, February 24, 2006

'Gay' Penguins?

I heard about this story on the NPR news quiz show "Wait Wait... Don't Tell Me!" This is one of the funniest shows on the air. But one story that they discussed was stranger then fiction. It was about Gay Humboldt Penguins in Germany. At first it sounds like a bad joke, but for the Zoo in Bremerhaven it is not a laughing matter. They brought in some female penguins to try and mate with the gay penguins. This attempt at making the gay penguins made some gay activists angry. The zoo defended its attempt to mate the gay penguins by arguing that "We're simply trying to help save a threatened species." This statement was made by Heike Kück who is one of the officials at the Zoo who is responsible for the plan. The plan to mate the penguins consisted of flying 4 female penguins in from Sweden to see if they had any influence on the male penguins. As it turns out, they ladies from Sweden did not make any headway with the male Humboldt penguins that are, according to the Daily Telegraph, a bird whose homosexual tendencies are well known to zoologists.

You Can Sometimes Be Too Old!

In the Guardian today one of the prominent stories was about a 62 year old woman who gave birth to her 12th child.  Now let us take a moment and look at this. 


  1. She is 62 years old.

Let us do the math here; when the child reaches 18 and is ready to go to College, she will be 80 years old.   80 years old!!!  That is if she makes it that long.  She is not that far from qualifying for social security.


  1. This is her 12th Child

 Again, a bit excess here.  I have no opposition to large families, if you can support them, but to have your 12 th child at such a late time in life, I question the sanity.


The article states that this is her 3rd marriage and her current husband is 48 and this is second marriage.  He did not have children in his first marriage.  But this seems a bit ridicules!

Not Good!

While waiting in the showroom for something, anything, to happen, I took the opportunity to look around on the internet.  I pull up MSN and the headline on the front page is about a possible civil war in Iraq.  This is not all that surprising, since we have not been able to gain control of the security situation and people are lacking the basic needs to live.  SECURITY, that is the word!   We did not get a hold of the situation when we first went in and now the country is out of control.  Elections are nice for people in Washington to talk about, but when you can even go to a house of worship with out having to worry about being bombed, then the elections mean nothing!!!

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Family History

What seems to be a continuing trend, I end up not getting anything done that I wanted to do last weekend.  I received an e-mail from a friend that I went to school with in Poland.  She lives in Utah and is into Genealogy.  The contents of her e-mail fueled my interest.  When I was younger I did a lot of research in this area and I managed too keep it all together.   So I took all of the information that I had and put it into the new Family Tree Maker program that I purchased.  It yielded results!   But MDB and I spend way too much time playing with it.  I was up until 04:00 on Saturday morning looking around and making connections.  It was way too much fun, but distracting

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Salmonella at a Favorite Deli

I was shocked to hear this morning that Corky & Lenny's was currently under investigation for salmonella infection.  This is according to today's Plain Dealer.   The only reason that I heard about it is that one of my co-workers took sick about a week ago after she had dinner with her children there.  She got a call today about the story.  I don't think that she will be eating there any time soon, and I am not sure that I am in any hurry to return.  I loved their food, but this is a bit worrisome.

Friday, February 10, 2006

My First Time

No this is not going to be some tawdry story about what ever first time sick minds may be thinking of, this is about my first time skiing!   Wednesday I went downhill skiing for the first time.  It was wonderful.  I took a lesson at Boston Mills.  They offer an intro package which includes lessons, lift ticket and ski rental for $45.00.  I thoroughly enjoyed myself.  I only fell 3 times.  I started at 10:00 and went until around 14:00.  I didn't get it at first.   I was afraid of the speed and falling.  But then after a little bit, I let go of the fear and ran with it.  I suppressed my natural urge to stand straight when I got in to trouble and did not panic when something was not familiar.  I am proud of myself!  I did something that I was unsure about doing and I think that I can do it well if I try.  It was exhilarating!!

Saturday, February 04, 2006

The City of Willoughby Hills Has Their Eyes on My Income

There has been talk around the dealership that Classic BMW and Classic Lexus would be moving this fall.  Last night the president of Classic Auto Group presented the City of Willoughby with the plans to purchase land and build a new BMW and Lexus dealership.  This morning it was announced in the News Herald that it was discussed at the monthly meeting of the Willoughby Hills City Council.  In addition the article also mentioned how much they expected to make on Income taxes from the employees that will be working at the dealerships.

Friday, February 03, 2006

The Monotony of It All

The things that people come up with to pass the time.  Today we discussed Burma Shave signs, and played some of the games in the paper like Public Squares and  Suduko.  I guess that people really get punch drunk during February.   I am glad that much doesn't offend me, since I would be offended if I was sensitive to things that were off color!  I am treated just like one of the guys.   And that is the way that I wanted it!

Thursday, February 02, 2006

The Gym

I am surprised at myself; I have actually been pretty good about going to the gym.  I have been 15 times in the last month.  That makes almost every other day.  I need to keep this up.  I wish that I saw some results, but I have not yet.  I did not go for the last 2 days since some of my mussels were really hurting and I was having a hard time moving around the house.  I have it in my plan to go this evening after work.  It will make for a long day, but I need to do it.  I work 12 hours today and that sucks, but the workout will be nice.