Thoughts From a Wandering Soul, Now in the Charm City

Friday, February 24, 2006

You Can Sometimes Be Too Old!

In the Guardian today one of the prominent stories was about a 62 year old woman who gave birth to her 12th child.  Now let us take a moment and look at this. 


  1. She is 62 years old.

Let us do the math here; when the child reaches 18 and is ready to go to College, she will be 80 years old.   80 years old!!!  That is if she makes it that long.  She is not that far from qualifying for social security.


  1. This is her 12th Child

 Again, a bit excess here.  I have no opposition to large families, if you can support them, but to have your 12 th child at such a late time in life, I question the sanity.


The article states that this is her 3rd marriage and her current husband is 48 and this is second marriage.  He did not have children in his first marriage.  But this seems a bit ridicules!

1 comment(s):

Sarah and Abraham were, I believe 99 and 100 years old respectively when they had Isaac. It worked out ok for them so I'm told.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at February 25, 2006 1:28 AM  

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