Free Pass
You know what annoys me, people who think because they have children they should have a free pass on the hours that they want or do not want to work. I work in the car sales business, and when getting in to this field, I was informed and asked if long hours bother me. They do not! I worked as a waitress for a long time and I worked long hours then, and I do that now! However if you have children and you know that it will be a strain, maybe you should have not taken the job if you constantly complain about the hours. That is the sort of work this is. Long hours and you may not get paid for working them if you do not sell a car.
4 comment(s):
I work long hours and have a child and I complain about the hours. I complained before I had a kid too, but now even more so. I think in general people don't want to be at work all the time, especially when they have something going on away from work that they would rather be involved with.
It comes down to the old question: Do you live to work or work to live?
Not that either one is the right answer, but, when people come to your funeral many years form now, will you want them to say so and so was a proficient worker dedicated to the office and thier erning potential will be missed or would you rather them say so and so was a kind friend/mother/wife etc. and thier passing has left a whole in my life that can't be filled.
Mr. Bebout, at
April 28, 2006 11:13 PM
Death of a Salesman
Professor Bacher, at
April 29, 2006 3:21 AM
As a single woman with no children, I feel your pain here. We (single women with no children) bear the burden for those who need to leave work early or take a day off to deal with family obligations. Not that I am truly complaining about this for several reasons.
1. I work for myself. I can taje time off whever I damn well please.
2. In the past, I am certain that I would not have held some of the jobs that I did if I had been married or had children or expressed qualms about the hours. Being single and without children does open some doors that being married and/or with children would not, especially for women.
3. Being married or single is a choice. I choose single and all that goes along with that - good and bad. Ditto to children. I once harbored the thought, but became convinced this was the wrong choice for me.
Let your coworkers whine and complain. When they get home, they have whining spouses and children to deal with. You do not. Though I know that Michael guy can be a handful :-)
Anonymous, at
May 10, 2006 6:46 AM
I have to agree with Mr. Bebout on this one. I too complained about women with kids "making excuses to get out of work" before I had kids. Now, I try to lay all the cards on the table, so to speak, and tell my employer what my limits are ahead of time, so they know what they are getting into and that they have to understand where I'm coming from if I have a "kid related concern". If they don't want to hire me because of my constraints, well, Ohio is a free will employer. So be it. But I do my part ahead of time.
melcarrel, at
May 11, 2006 2:20 AM
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