Thoughts From a Wandering Soul, Now in the Charm City

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Another Funny Comerical

Saturday, March 08, 2008

Prep For the Field!

Today is the last day before we go to the field.  Since I am going to be a Battalion S6 (In Charge of everything that has electrons running through it in the battalion), I had to go out on a Retransmission team.  It was raining and nasty.  Oh the joy of putting up an antenna in the rain and mud.  Then NCO that was training us is a good guy.  I like the NCO’s that really want to make us better and tell us about what soldiers are like.

On the other hand, they wanted us to put up tents without stakes!  Yeah like that is going to work.  Good times.

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Thursday, March 06, 2008

How much of a prude has America become?

Today I was at the grocery store waiting in line at the check out. I noticed that the covers of Glamour, Cosmo and a few other magazines had that hard plastic blocker that you see placed in front of magazines like Hustler and Penthouse. I mean really! The covers did not even show very much skin. I do not like the exploitation of women, but these magazine covers were not offensive. They did not show body parts. They were just regular covers. There was no need, but I wonder what prudish freaks complained and made Publix resort to this. What is the next step, a burka?

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Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Yeah! One Less Hoop

Today we had our final PT Test at 0445.  I passed everything and even exceeded the standards!  I am excited.  This was the last hurdle to getting out of here!  Next stop...Korea!

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Tuesday, March 04, 2008

More School Fun

I hate how the schedule for school changes.  I was really looking forward to seeing CR on Saturday evening, but I just found out that is not going to happen.  He has been gone for 2 weeks and I looking forward to being on the same continent with him.  We were just informed that we will be staying out in the field starting on Saturday, not Sunday as previously stated.  It could be a whole lot worse, it isn't like I am being told that my deployment is being extended 12 more months in Iraq.  So I guess there is always a bright side, but it is hard to see.

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Monday, March 03, 2008

Tampa Bay Red Dress 2007 Video

This was a wonderful day! I miss all of my friends in Tampa!

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Well it is that time again, it is time to pack up all of my worldly belongings and move on to the next place. This time it is Korea!! I have gotten rid of more stuff, but there is still so much! CR is in Korea right now, so I am here with the boxes! Good times! Next week is prep for the field and then if all goes well Graduation!