Save the Date
No Shoes, No Ties, No Worries!!
Corey and I have set a date! It will be the 25th of November and it will be in Tampa, FL! I am so excited
Big News
CR and I are engaged, he asked me on Saturday! I am so happy! I have been bouncing off the walls wanting to say something!
Waiting on Orders
Now that I have found out my branch the next waiting game starts, that is the game of waiting to find out where I will be spending the next year of my life! All I know right now is that sometime in future I will be attending a 13 week course at Fort Gordon, GA and prior to that I will be attending a six week course at either Ft. Benning, GA or Ft. Sill, OK (Benning would be preferable). Then there is the question of where I will be stationed. That is completely up in the air! I have lucked out so far, I got my second choice of branches, so I hope that my luck will hold out with my first duty station assignment.
Those who know me well can guess what my first choice would be (it isn't in the continental United States (CONUS)). Really none of my top choices are in the continental United States.
Today was a day that I had been waiting to come for sometime. As a "College Option" Officer Candidate I did not know what branch I would receive when I entered the army. Today I found out. I am a member of the Signal Corps! That means that I will get to spend even more time in wonderful Georgia! The home of the Signal Corps is headquartered at Fort Gordon, GA. It is funny how the world comes back around. When I enlisted at the age of 17, I was supposed to do my AIT there. Funny!
Fantasy Football
Got an invite to join a fantasy football league. I tried to do it last year, but I just got caught up in my new life in Florida and didn't really pay any attention to it. I wonder if I should even bother this year? It still keeps me connected to my old life, but I am not sure that is a good thing. In addition, I don't really know how much time I will have this season to do it. I may be in a training environment and not have that much of an opportunity to do it.
Senior Officer Candidate!
Today my OCS class went to the white ascots. This means that we have passed into senior phase! It means a lot of things, but the most important to me, is that it means that we are half way through!! seven more weeks until we graduate! I still do not know what my branch is yet, but I am hoping for anything but ADA! Watch now that I have said that I will get it.