Thoughts From a Wandering Soul, Now in the Charm City

Saturday, September 30, 2006

What Country are You?

You're Germany!

You have a really ugly past, one that defies description.
 This gives you tremendous guilt, but you've coped with it and flourished
into an awfully good person, considering.  You've finally made peace with
yourself, in so many ways, and you've been able to build on that for a bright
and capable future.  You've become so enlightened that you're probably
a member of the Green Party, or at least listen to their demands.

Take the Country Quiz
at the Blue Pyramid

What State are You?

You're Michigan!

You really love cars. In spite of their environmental hazards, the value
of public transportation, and their total lack of safety, you want nothing more than to
spend time in and around cars. This has brought you to the brink of financial ruin and
total despair, but the joy of the cars still outweighs your difficulties. Would it really
kill you to use less gasoline? You are a truly incredible singer.

Take the State Quiz
at the Blue Pyramid.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Buffett is Coming!!

DETROIT!!! Better then Cleveland!!

That is right!  The Detroit Tigers have found a place in the post season!!  Life is wonderful!  Baseball will go on for another month for me!

Friday, September 22, 2006

A "Fun Day at Sea"

We had our first hash on the boat. It started off on the topless deck. From there we followed the trail throughout the ship. We even went into areas that we were not allowed to go into.

Our first beer stop was in a room of one of the hashers. Jungle juice was the drinks that were being served.

Our last stop was more of a bubbly stop

From there we adjourned to the on after which had free beer on tap. Little did the curise line know that hashers could put away that much beer.

After the hash it was time to get ready for the first formal night. As it turned out our seating arrangements were with non-hashers. This was ok, but not as fun as it could have been.

Capt. Stupid and the gang

We had a wonderful time despite being sat with muggles.

When I got back to my room I discovered one of the things that Carnival Cruise Lines is famous for… it's towel animals. There is a book that has over 40 of them and shows how you to fold them. This one appears to be an elephant.

Our next stop... Grand Cayman!

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Cruise: The First Day!

What could be more fun then 76 hashers who have the week to just go NUTZ!!! Well there is not much that could be more fun than that. The day started off uneventful. Corey and I went to the package store to stock up on essentials for the trip. I am frugal by nature and we figured out that it would be cheaper to take the mixings for the drinks that we like aboard instead of purchasing them on the boat. In addition I have had much practice packing a suitcase full of precious cargo with all of the Vodka that I have brought back from Poland.

After that was packed it was on our way to the boat. Luckily it was only a $10 dollar cab ride from South Tampa to Channel Side where the cruise ships leave from. This was a different vantage point to see Tampa from.

As you can see we were well stocked. Don't worry, we didn't come close to drinking all of it. We brought it along to donate to the hash runs and for the room crawl.

Yes that is Yuengling that you see in the fridge!

Well then it was off to see the Lizard! Before we could get there we passed under the Sunshine Skyway Bridge. This thing is really tall. I have crossed it just to say that I did, but this was my chance to see it from a different angle.

This is when the party started. The first get together was a bathrobe party where we all got acquainted.

from left to right: Just Kevin, Repeat Offender, Womb Service, and Cock Block

The party continued through out the evening, the next day was to be a "Fun Day at Sea." We would have our first hash of the cruise that day!

Saturday, September 16, 2006


The last 2 mornings on my way across the Howard Franklin Bridge, I have seen rainbows.  It brightened up my day.   The drive in the sunshine is wonderful.  The weather here has started to cool off a bit.  Currently it is 84, and feels like 94.   That is an improvement over the 100 and feeling like 120.  People have said that I will miss the snow, they could not be further from the truth.   I may miss skiing, but you can always go on vacation for that.  I will not miss having to drive in the snow all the time and having to shovel it out of the way or off of cars!  


Today there was even better news, along with the rainbow, there was a report that an el Niño has started to develop, which will make for rainier winters in Florida , with the up side of sucking the power out of the hurricane season!!  If I will not have to run from a storm, I can make the sacrifice of having a little bit more rain then expected in the winter.


The long awaited pictures from my vacation to the Caribbean will be up this weekend.  I have had a ton of stuff to catch up on and not much time where I could use my laptop.

Friday, September 15, 2006


Interesting what one finds out when they leave.  Stuff that you knew and did not say, coming out after you leave.   There was some information that I knew and did not mention because it would have been impolitic, but as it turns out, all lies come out in the end and liars are exposed to the world.   That is what has happened in Cleveland.  Stuff gets around, so it is better not to lie and just tell the truth about things, or …KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT!

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Two by Two (for fun)

Two Names You Go By
1. Marquise
2. MJ

Two Parts of Your Heritage
1. English
2. German

Two Things That Scare You
1. Death
2. Lack of Security

Two Everyday Essentials
1. Coke Zero
2. Luna Bars

Two Things You Are Wearing Right Now
1. White skirt with blue embroidery
2. Blue opal jewelry

Two of Your Favorite Bands or Musical Artists
1. Jimmy Buffett
2. Nena

Two Things You Want in a Relationship
1. Lots of intimacy

2. Personal connection

Two Truths
1. Any price is negotiable
2. Everyone can be bought

Two things You Hate (or at least really dislike)
1. Manipulation
2. Lack of direction

Two physical features that Appeal to You
1. Wonderful Eyes
2. Strong Arms

Two of Your Favorite Hobbies
1. Listening to Pod Casts
2. Reading

Two Things You Want Really Badly
1. Writing and keeping up with e-mail
2. Cleaning (Ich bin nicht eine Hausfrau)

Two Places You Want to go on Vacation
1. Japan
2. Germany

Two Things You Want to Do Before You Die
1. Learn to fly a plane
2. Live overseas again

Two Ways that you are stereotypically a Chick/Guy
1. I love Jewelry
2. I want to have red silk sheets!

Two Things You Normally Wouldn't Admit
1. I have no idea what I want from this life.
2. I need people.

Monday, September 11, 2006

Back in Tampa. Reality is knocking at the door. Tomorrow, back to the grind of work!

Monday, September 04, 2006

Trolling again!

Just passed under the Skyway bridge! On-on!

The bar is ready!

This is the supply we brought aboard the ship. Bottoms up!

Off to sea!

Here we are off for a week of hashing and fun!

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Banana Republics

Down to the Banana Republics
Down to the tropical sun
Go the expatriated American
Hopin' to find some fun

Some of them go for the sailing
Brought by the lure of the sea
Tryin' to find what is ailing
Living in the land of the free
Some of them are running to lovers
Leaving no forward address
Some of them are running tons of ganja
Some are running from the IRS

Late at night you will find them
In the cheap hotels and bars
Hustling the senioritas
While they dance beneath the stars
Spending those renegade pesos
on a bottle of rum and a lime
Singin' give me some words I can dance to
Or a melody that rhymes

First you learn the native custom
Soon a word of Spanish or two
You know that you cannot trust them
Cause they know they can't trust you

Expatriated American feelin' so all alone
Telling themselves the same lies
that they told themselves back home

Down to the Banana Republics
Things aren't as warm as they seem
None of the natives are buying
any second hand American dreams

Late at night you will find them
In the cheap hotels and bars
Hustling the senioritas
while they dance beneath the stars
Spending those renegade pesos
On a bottle of rum and a lime
Singing give me some words I can dance to
Or a melody that rhymes

Down to the Banana Republics
Down to the tropical sun
Go the expatriated Americans
Hopin' to find some fun
-- Jimmy Buffett