Thoughts From a Wandering Soul, Now in the Charm City

Saturday, May 28, 2005


I have notice that I am horrible at maintaining any meaningful diary. I have tried in the past and have not been able to be faithful to the medium. I tried while traveling through Europe and when I returned to Michigan. I even have trouble keeping up with friends. I am so horrible.

To fill in the amount of time that has lapsed I have created a short and condensed history. Many changes have occurred in the past 2 years. I completed a graduate degree. I returned from Europe to Michigan and then moved to Ohio. I went from being in a relationship that offered nothing but meaningless physical contact to one that offers a future. The went from waiting tables to shaking down family members of the recently departed for money that the decedent owed to selling European automobiles. Many changes!!

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Look at those rims

This was taken on the way to BWI