Thoughts From a Wandering Soul, Now in the Charm City

Thursday, March 24, 2005


I have been feeling really liberated lately, and I know the reason why: I QUIT MY HORRIBLE JOB!! I put in my two weeks and today was the last day of that. I was too happy for my co-workers to live with today. I had a large smile on my face and I was skipping down the aisle between the cubes. It was just complete bliss to think about leaving. A new life is ahead of me without being a cog in a machine.

But now comes the hard part: the new job. It will be hard, but I believe in my heart of hearts more worthwhile and satisfying. Nothing ventured nothing gained! So bring it on!

1 comment(s):

I just quit my job in the oil industry (we manufactured well-heads) on May 13th... As a result, I am moving back to Bay City, Michigan from Houston, Texas. And now comes the hard part, getting a new job!

Any suggestions? You sound happy with your new job. All I can see ahead is a summer of frustration. My fiance and I are moving back to Michigan this coming week...

By the way, I completely understand the feeling of being a cog in a machine.



By Blogger russelllindsey, at June 26, 2005 8:12 AM  

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