Thoughts From a Wandering Soul, Now in the Charm City

Saturday, November 01, 2003

Life at ul. Garbarska 7a

Ah how strange life can be sometimes. I am attempting to work on my thesis this evening, and I have successfully finished my first paragraph. This is an achievement since I have been going through writers block and a lack of ambition.

So that I would not be wanting for snack during this long attempt at trying to get something done, I went out to procure provisions for the evening. The one thing about being this far north is that it gets dark earlier than it does back home in Michigan. With the darkness come the drunks and prostitutes. They are a normal sight on ul. Garbarska, (my Polish friends have told me that this street is know for them throughout Krakow) but tonight they have started their activities earlier.

As for doing anything this evening for Halloween, I think that since I am in the spirit to get something done, I shall stay in and do so. I have my bike so I won’t have to call a cab to take me home if I am extremely late.

On a cultural note, tomorrow is all souls, a catholic holiday that is taken very seriously here in Poland. Everything will be closed and they are even running a special tram to the cemeteries in the area.

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