Welcome to Korea
Well I have made it to Korea! The plane flight was long, but it was not that bad. Korean Airlines was much better that Alitalia! The food was good (even though I had a kosher meal) and the service was some of the best that I have seen in my travels. I can’t wait to see this country. The people that I have met so far have been really kind.
4 comment(s):
yay! you're there safely! I was just thinking of you this morning as I drove to work. Hopefully CR will get there soon to keep you company. I miss y'all already.
By CWH, at April 03, 2008 11:35 PM
Good to hear you made it safe. Hope CR makes it there safe as well.
By Bart, at April 04, 2008 5:33 AM
I think of you often. So proud of all you have achieved and who you are. The world is a better place with you in it. Be safe! Enjoy your new adventure. My love to CR and Minerva. -Carrye
By Anonymous, at April 06, 2008 9:03 AM
Hello Marquise!
So glad to hear you have finally arrived! I have been thinking of you lately and look forward to hearing what you think about Korea.
Let me know when you are available to Skype,
Love, Sarah
By Anonymous, at April 08, 2008 7:20 PM
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