Thoughts From a Wandering Soul, Now in the Charm City

Monday, January 01, 2007

A New Years Tradition

This is the time of year when people look at what happened in the past 12-month period and decide what they need to do better. As I look over the last year, I feel quite satisfied with how it went. There were some rough patches, but over all the changes and things that I have ejected from my life were all for the better. I moved to a better place, I ejected people who were weighting me down, and I took time to find my true self. I took a look at what I had resolved to do last year:

1. Drink more water
2. Exercise more (yes I know this is lame, but please humour me)
3. Re-dedicate myself to my work
4. Be nicer
5. Do better at follow through

With regards to all of these things I have done better. I do drink more water. I have been exercising like a fiend (I dropped over 20 lbs!) and I have been doing better with the follow through. My dedication to my work will come into play this year when I go to BCT and OCS.

Here are some other things that after review I have learned:

1. Thanks to Corey, I learned to cook and really enjoy it.
2. I learned to find an inner strength.
3. Running 3.5 miles is no longer hard for me to do (I did it today)
4. I know that it is possible for me to loose weight and keep it off.
5. I learned that I am a good person and that I have no reason to feel guilty. In addition, I found out that those who have tried to make me feel bad about things are just trying to cover up their own guilt.
6. Most importantly, I am now happy with my life and myself!

So now for the resolutions:

1. Take better care of my family and myself.
2. Get rid of things that I will not need (need to do this before I leave for BCT).
3. Correspond more with my friends.
4. Play with Minerva more!
5. Learn to be a better housekeeper (I have been doing more of that lately).

All of the above I resolve to do this New Year!

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1 comment(s):

You are a FABULOUS person ! *hugs* And, one I'm glad to call my friend. I'm going to miss you so much !!

By Blogger CWH, at January 17, 2007 6:05 AM  

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