Thoughts From a Wandering Soul, Now in the Charm City

Friday, October 31, 2003

Time to Turn

It has been a long time since I have even considered writing in this medium. But today I have decided to make many different changes in my life. The major change is that I have decided to drop some extraneous things from my life. The most prominent one is a relationship that has not been fulfilling or easy. I do not feel that relationships should be easy, but they should not cause as much pain as this one has. I am thankful for my friends who have been trying to put me on the right path in this regard. We shall see how this change goes. My heart is not broken, but it has not been unblemished by these events.

Monday, October 27, 2003


A long time coming, but it was like the old days. A friend had a wonderful birthday and we all went out to celebrate. I ended up drinking too much! I really dislike hangovers! I also ended up meeting some great people. It was a good time, but I learned another valuable lesson, high heals are really painful!