Ten Things that I Wish to Do Before I Die (Revisited)
I have had a bit of time on my hands to think about what has gone on during the past year. While doing that I took the opportunity to look at some of my old posts.This is the list that I posted on January 30th, 2007:
1. Get a Pilot's license (Not Yet Attempted)
2. Learn to Down Hill Ski and Ski in the Alps (Learned how to Ski and Skied in the Rocky Mountains)
3. Take the Trans-Siberian Railroad from Moscow to Beijing (Not Yet Attempted)
4. Have Children (Not any where near thank god)
5. See the Pacific Ocean (still not attempted, but with new job it is a posibilty)
6. Go to Japan (almost had the chance)
7. Overcome my fear of Heights (this one will go with the learning to ski). (Still working on it will have to address this when I go to Airborne School)
8. Get a PhD
9. Work for the Federal Government (Done! I work for Uncle Sam in the Army).
10. Own a Purple Car (Still a Dream).
I have partially completed some of these items, and I still have to work on others. The next month will be a test for me. I am scheduled to start OCS on Wednesday! This will be a big step! More news to follow…
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